Monday, November 25, 2013

New Next

There are so many new media technology coming out every year that it's so hard to keep up. Just in a decade, our new media today will become old media. I feel like there should be a 3D videos and texts where you can just flip through pages on your phone or tablet with a single hand motion without touching the screen. These 3D images are like projections and this can enhance video watching experience, Skype calls or conferences, and also gaming. It will be a whole new experience and I feel like it'll definitely change media and the way we interact online. Since technology is changing so rapidly, I wouldn't be surprised to see this in the next 10 - 20 years.


  1. That would actually be an amazing concept for us to have. I can definitely see our future technology heading towards that direction. I'm sure it will make gaming much more fun too. Haha. As well as shopping. I would love to try it.

  2. I like your idea of how we can apply the 3D images to conferences and gaming. I didn't even imagine that the game "wii" with motion detective system would come out when I was young, but now we can play games with sophisticated systems nowadays. I believe your idea will be applied in the next 10 years too.
