Monday, November 11, 2013

Advice to Baruch College

I would suggest making twitter or Facebook page where Baruch students can constantly be updated with events that are going on. Since everyone's on Facebook, it's easier to have it all in one place and they can check their own Facebook and see Baruch's update without having to log into other sites or applications. Moreover, they can choose to see what updates they want to read. Twitter is a good way to reach out to many students and students can respond and ask questions. Facebook is more efficient than Blackboard because they would want to go on and won't miss a thing. Because sometimes students forget to check Blackboard for updates, but they always go onto Facebook. Moreover, students can find friends and classmates through the page and they can share their ideas and opinions, and ask questions about the college. If anything, Baruch college can also create a Formspring, which is a site where you can anonymously ask questions and Baruch College can answer it via Twitter or connect it with Facebook, and it'll show up there.

1 comment:

  1. This is really great advice for Baruch College. While there are a lot of separate groups relating to Baruch on Facebook and Twitter, there's no unified group where all students can go to get information or to ask question. I also think Formspring is a great idea because many students are too shy to speak their mind and ask questions. The anonymity factor would allow a lot more important ideas and concerns to be heard out. The only issue with this would be regulation for people who would use this factor to harass the admins.
